Rabio WP Grid is a simple grid that retrieves all publisehd posts from a wordpress blog database. It was developed using PHP and Bootstrap as an alternative way for wordpress blogs to present posts.
It comes with search capabilites for :
It was developed to be used as an alternative way for presenting blog posts to visitors or administrators of a wordpress blog.
Please note that this is not a wordpress plugin. It is a standalone utility software that connects directly to a wordpress database without making any changes.
It was developed using PHP and Bootstrap based on the query - view pages of Rabio Busines Information Organizer.
In simple terms Rabio WP Grid is a utility for Headless Wordpress as it operates directly with the WordPress CMS Database.
Rabio WP Grid is free. You can download it from SourceForge.net
A preview is available for Rabio's blog on https://wpgrid.rabio.eu
An installation on Byte12.com blog is available here https://wpgrid.byte12.com
An installation on Olimpos.eu blog is available here https://olimpos.eu/wpdx/