
Rapid Business Information Organizer

Statistics with Rabio

Published by: stefgutz
Date: November 30, 2021, 3:48 pm

Categories: Blog
Tags: covid, covid-19, data analysis, statistics, statistics software, stats

Rabio as a software can be used in a wide range of applications. Beyond cost control and budgeting applications, by using cost breakdown structure, Rabio can be implemented into several statistics projects.

The cost breakdown structure that is used in Rabio with the implementation of managers is ideal for statistical projects. Using centers and categories and comparing them using Rabio managers can easily produce results for statistics projects.

Covid-19 Statistics Project

The pandemic of coronavirus, since last months of 2019 is keeping the world on constant watch and alert. Covid-19 data are a critical part for everyone who wants to study and have a better look on the pandemic.

For a long time Rabio is presenting statistics reports for Covid-19 (Corona Virus). Reports are available with the latest available data which are updated  using data provided weekly from EU Open Data Portal and European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control

Check the special page of Rabio's Covid-19 Statistics project here

Statistics software free

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