
Rapid Business Information Organizer

History of Rabio

Published by: stefgutz
Date: May 10, 2021, 8:39 am

Categories: Blog, Budgeting, Budgeting Software, Business Budgeting Software, Construction, Cost Control
Tags: budgeting, budgeting software, business budgeting software, cost, cost control, costtools.eu, developing, development, innovation budgeting, innovative, innovative budgeting software, innovative business budgeting software, rabio

As almost everything in life, Rabio is having a history behind it. Before Rabio even existed as an idea, there were many years of experience on software projects using the cost breakdown structure (CBS).

The Beginning

It all started more than 20 years ago while working on software projects powered by Oracle databases and utilities that were operated by the public sector of Greek State especially for cost control services of Greek Financial Ministry. The common structure behind all applications was the extended use of CBS that was giving clean results using Cost Centers and Cost Categories.

Following up

Next came the the major project of Maliakos Kleidi Construction Joint Venture for the construction of the Aegean Motorways highway in central Greece.

Aegean Motorway SA manages the section of PATHE Motorway from Raches, Fthiotida Prefecture (Km 242+079) to Kleidi, Imathia Prefecture (Km 471+470), of a total of 229.40 km and the section of the Old National Road from Evangelismos I/C to Leptokarya I/C, of a total of 34.30 km

The new working environment on Olympia JV, a Joint Venture of Hochtief AG and AKTOR, gave new opportunities in software development with extended use of CBS in almost everything as a necessity of the cost control operations.

The experienced cost control management of Olympia JV was always working on cost control procedures using CBS in order to keep accurate control on budget, earned value, projection, forecast in a very complicated project with many aspects and a variety of construction cost challenges.

During the construction of the project a new software system was developed to cover the needs of Olympia JV and also was installed in various other projects. That system was named CostTools.eu

CostTools.eu was developed to cover a wide range of Cost Control Reporting in Construction Projects.

Using a powerful database backend, CostTools.eu is a software created for direct use on cost control departments of construction projects

CostTools.eu was developed to cover a wide range of Cost Control Reporting in Construction Projects. Using a powerful database backend it was created for direct use on cost control departments of construction projects. Using extended CBS can easily be integrated on construction projects covering:

This specialized cost control software was installed in various projects:

Construction Projects

Central Management

Consulting Services

Without doubt, CostTools.eu gave a lot to the idea of creating a simple, clean and easy software system using the CBS. This system could be used as an open-source solution for budgeting, cost control, store management, equipment cost management, personal finance or even data processing systems.

Developing Rabio, an open source business budgeting software

The accumulated experience of more than 20 years of work using extended CBS on various financial software projects helped in developing Rabio as an open-source solution. Rabio is based on open source tools like PHP and MariaDB and modern developing tools like Bootstrap and ChartJS.

The database backend was created after extended analysis in order to be simle, fast & effective. Using a strict set of tables and fresh ideas it all started in a mysql database environment.

The front end was designed to be as simple as it can be focusing on a light user experience that is easy to understand.

Download Free

Now Rabio is available to download for free and anybody can found on it's dedicated page on SourceForge.

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